Portland Oregon Studio Maternity Photos
Hear me out- Portland Oregon Studio Maternity Photos are 10/10 amazing. Living in this beautiful state, it’s easy to get the epic views. Mountains, stunning coast lines, waterfalls, red red rocks, forests… we have it all. It may be second nature to choose one of those locations- I’m one of them! However, choosing to opt out of the panoramic Oregon views can be pretty worthwhile. Choosing a studio maternity photo session allows for beautiful photos like the ones below. Here are a few reasons why you should consider a Portland, Oregon Studio Maternity session.
- You can avoid the rain! Living here, rain is a common occurrence, but with a studio session you don’t have to worry about the rain at all!
- Temperature control! When it’s cold or windy, the kiddos in your session could have a hard time! Choosing to have your photos in a temperature controlled space allows for the kiddos (and yourself) to feel more comfortable during your photo session!
- The beauty of simplicity. Simple backdrops allow for you and your people to be the sole focus of your photos. Sometimes in the epic outdoor spots, you can become lost in the photos. In studio sessions with simple back drop, the focus can so fully be on you and your connected moments and emotions. It’s beautiful.
How to Prepare for Portland, Oregon Studio Maternity Photos
The great thing about sessions like this is that you have very little to prepare. Most studios have furniture an minimalistic decoration included. Some even have beds- which I love for connected couple or family photos. This studio, Studio Northwest is my favorite Portland studio. It has some fun furniture items and a bed option. Best of all it’s clean, simple light with a big, beautiful window.
My biggest recommendation for studio maternity photos is to choose clothing with neutrals + texture, flowy apparel and bring multiple outfits. Doing these things will add interest and variety to your photos. When booking with me, I actually sed you an outfit guide that helps you choose what to wear and make it easier! Or, like the family below, just wear what feels most comfortable to you! It’s so important that you feel comfortable!
Another tip, especially if the older kiddos are coming to your Portland, Oregon Studio Maternity photos, bring something for them to do! You’ll definitely want them in photos but there may be a few you want of just you and your significant other. In this case, it’ nice to give your older kiddos something to do so you can focus more on each other! Also, sometimes kiddos hit a wall in photos, which is totally okay! In this case, it’s nice for them to have something new to do for a while!
Not located in Portland, Oregon?
That’s okay! There are other amazing studios in Oregon! I shoot at these ones fairly often!
Why Maternity Photography Sessions Matter
It’s easy to skip experiences like this. Life gets busy, it’s not in the budget.. the list goes on. Those are good reasons, but I challenge you to look forward at what these photos will mean years from now. We all have very different stories and life experiences. Maybe your journey to pregnancy was hard, unexpected, long, joyful, difficult, transformative, expectant, or even like a roller coaster including many of these things and more. Whatever got you here, whatever season your in- it’s a powerful part of your story and your journey. The unspoken moments, feelings and experiences that are shown in your photos matter. They continue to matter more and more through time. Being able to look at these photos and remember a feeling or your journey- is a pretty significant thing.
Big Maternity Photo Session Tips
Here are a few Maternity session photo tips!
- Bring multiple outfits! It adds variety and personality to your shoot!
- Book as far in advance as you can! That way it’s on the books and you have the ability to have a more flexible payment plan!
- Take maternity photos ideally between 32-36 weeks. However a little before or after is okay, 32-36 weeks is a great window to shoot for!
- Get your make up done if that’s your thing! It’s fun to feel pampered on the day of your maternity photo session!
- Eat before you come! It always helps, I promise!
- Consider a package that includes a newborn session or more. You can be on a payment schedule, but this way you won’t forget to book other big moments and it’s all off the to do list at one fell swoop!
- Consider shopping at Baltic Born, Joyfolie or even Amazon for pretty maternity looks! Here is an Amazon list of some great options!
Want to see a couple more Maternity photo sessions?
Here are a couple other sessions to look at for ideas! Also
, feel welcome to browse the Maternity page on my website!
- Salem, Oregon Fall Maternity Photos
- Bald Hill, Corvallis Maternity Photos
- Oregon Coast Maternity Photos
Ready to book?
Reach out here and let’s chat! I will send a pricing guide and questionnaire your way! If you’re ready to move forward, fill out the questionnaire. It asks great questions that help me serve you well! From there I’ll send you the info that makes it official as well as an outfit guide to help you plan your session. That easy! Reach out and let’s get this special season of life captured.
Talk soon!