Dreamy Corvallis Family Photos
These dreamy Corvallis family photos are something so special to me. Not only is it at this incredibly beautiful spot, but it’s a family I’ve had the honor of photographing for years now. Hands down, one of my favorite things about what I do is get to photograph the same families year after year- it’s the coolest thing getting to know a family, watching them grow and documenting their lives for years to come.
How The Session Went
Wonder how the session flow goes? I arrived at the top of Mary’s Peak, 25 miles outside of Corvallis. From there I had them follow me back down the mountain a couple miles to a more accessible, better lit, less populated spot. From there I grab my camera, a blanket for sitting poses and most importantly, SNACKS. You read it right, the secret to most of my kids photos is snacks. It’s the best attention grabber and excitement builder. It also makes me fun to young kiddos, and keeping the session fun for young kiddos is KEY. Please note: in preparation for your session I send a questionnaire that asks about snacks you approve of and asking permission.
From there, we do group photos first. It takes SO MUCH pressure off of the session to get the “looking at the camera” photo first. Then we get to go with the flow. I use a mixture of guiding you through poses/ prompts and letting the session be KID LED. Kid led sessions mean we can take breaks and let your interactions with your kiddos turn into sweet, authentic photos. Using both these methods ensure different types of photos and variety.
I always add in sibling only photos, photos of each kiddo with each parent, all the kiddos with each parent- and- if okay, I love grabbing a few of just mom and dad. Life is crazy enough and it’s easy for everything to be for your babies- but mom and dad deserve photos too!
During This Dreamy Corvallis Family Photo Session
During these dreamy Corvallis Family photos, I got to lead a prompt for the individual photos with each of the kiddos. I asked this sweet mama to whisper something she loved about each kiddo in their ear before the photo. I love adding a specialness and it was so sweet to see the girls light up. Each kiddo is so different, it’s beautiful to see them glow in this way.
Another notable thing during this session was the energy. Oh my, the energy! Here’s a secret though- I love it. I have 14 nieces and nephews and am used to big personalities and high energy. I feel in my element in these situations and love the challenge of making a tough cookie laugh and enjoy the session. If I could describe this session it would be energetic, connected, sweet and dreamy.
So Whatcha Waiting For?
If these sweet, dreamy Corvallis Family photos doesn’t make you want family photos, I don’t know what will! You can see more in this specific location here and here. Ready to pan your session? Reach out here!