What is a Baby Led Newborn Session?
These newborn photos in my lifestyle studio in Salem, Oregon were so sweet to photograph. This family was so kind and go with the flow- they totally understood the baby led newborn photos process. If this is the first time you’ve heard of it, the baby led process is just what it sounds like. We follow the babies lead, no matter what. Hungry? They get lots of breaks to eat. Sleepy? They get to sleep for photos. Super awake? Then we go with it. Crying? We give them time and space to feel better. Baby led session relieve stress for parents and allows for natural moments to happen. Plus its easy going for the parents and the baby.
For example, this cutie baby needed snacks and his parents throughout this session and wasn’t into napping. So instead he led us to adorable detail shots, the most true-to-him expressive faces and a lot of connection with his parents. And we still got a couple sleepy ones towards the end! Perfection for this family! And now they have this beautiful representation of this season of life to have for forever.
A Small Note on Baby Boy’s Outfits
Lastly, I want to end by discussing this baby boy’s outfit choices! First we swaddled him with a gray swaddle from my own collection. It’s a little known fact that photography swaddles are different than the ones you buy in store. They’re long and thin so that you can wrap the baby in a cozy little bundle like you see here! All of these swaddles I own can be used during your session- in fact- it’s highly recommended as they have a lot of benefits from a photography/ session flow perspective!
Next outfit he wears is camel knit overalls- also available to any baby in my studio! We switched outfits because it became clear that this baby was alert, so in the overalls we could better photograph his details (fingers, hands, toes, feet…).Plus, it’s cute!
To Book
Ready to book a lifestyle baby led newborn session in my Salem, Oregon studio? I hope you are! I truly believe it’s a place where I can beautifully capture your family in a timeless and meaningful way. Even more so, in a way that is stress free, laid back and peaceful for babies and parents.