Okay, so this Oregon tree farm couple session is exactly what a late November session should be. As always, I feel so incredibly grateful that I live in beautiful, green Oregon. It hit me when I was chatting with a family recently, that not every state or area has gorgeous tree farms everywhere. It definitely reminded me that I sometimes take it for granted how blessed we are to live in the PNW. And lucky to live near Skyline Christmas Tree Farm! Rolling hills and trees everywhere- it’s what holiday dreams are made of!
If you know me, you know I’m personally a big fan of the Fall and Winter. It would make sense that Christmas Tree Farms are one of my favorite session locations as we shift from Fall to Winter. This was a sweet, cozy and connected couple session and it makes me wish that the holidays would last forever. These two knocked their session out of the park, so I thought I’d share a few tips that led to a bomb Oregon tree farm couple session!
A few tips for a great Oregon tree farm couple session:
- Treat it like a date day! Let’s be real- relationships aren’t kisses and staring into each others eyes all the time. So for those of you who have love languages like quality time, physical touch or even words of affirmation- these sessions are basically the best date activity ever. Top off the date day with more quality time- get dinner together, catch a movie! Make the day fun and connected!
- Wear neutrals, textures and muted colors. I LOVE how the textured cream, sweater looks with his maroon long sleeve. It’s so cozy and the colors are muted, so the couple is still the focus of the images!
- Dress seasonally appropriate! It’s Oregon in the late Fall- hats, sweaters, beanies, boots.. you can tell in photos when people are cold! These two did a great job staying cozy! It probably helped that they were running around and hugging each other too!
- Be in the moment. In everything you do, but also in your couple session. It’s not about crazy poses, but about your connection. There’s less pressure than you think, so be present!
So thankful these two chose me to photograph their couple session. It’s an honor and a blessing to me to do so.
BRB, will be thinking about how great this Oregon tree farm couple session was for months and months. Ready to chat about your own couple session, reach out and let’s get it planned! I also have a family session at this same location that you can see here for inspo! As an Oregon Small Wedding Photographer, I also offer a complimentary engagement session in all my wedding packages- you can learn more about weddings here! Or if you just want photos of you and your beau for fun, let’s go adventure and get some gorgeous photos!